Friday, June 30, 2023

We're going straight to our hotel and catch everyone tomorrow if that's ok. Sorry. 

Waluigi - ETA

 Hi guys

Teams Waluigi here

New ETA is just after 11pm

Thinking we may miss you at the bar? Let us know and if so we’ll see you in the morning

Shaguar has been pulled

Really glad to see Austin powers has been pulled tonight

Unfortunately it was by the Swiss police…

Update from Team Fosters

 Stopped off in Basil for a spot of food. On route to Thun now - eta 21:30

Time Team,  wishes to thank. Jurassic Park and Shaguar for their assistance in helping us out. Pints all round guys. 

Teamwork makes the dream work



1030pm for us - bit of a slow one today 

Shout if need anything time team 

Bullet bill 
Sent from Outlook for iOS


Should be approx 9pm for us


In need of a Jack and a wrench - can you help?



Here is a precise what3words address, made of 3 random words. Every 3 metre square in the world has its own unique what3words address.


ETA update

Myrtle the Turtle across the Swiss border (finally!) - should be with you by 8.30ish. See you soon!
Looking like 8ish at the earliest we will arrive in thun
We're not doing too bad. Just coming up on the Swiss border.  Still have 203km to do. Should be there about 8.30 maybe!! 

Anyone missing a team-mate????


Has anyone left a team-mate in Lille?

This is shit 😪

Four Shires Garage Doors
Stopping off at Saarbrucken for Gin and Currywurst lunch


The giraffe is loving it

Four Shires Garage Doors

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Maximum madnesses

Before and after 
Four Shires Garage Doors

We’re on final approach

Rally News

F.ire A.nd R.escue T.eam are finally on the ferry after being stuck on M25 for 1.5 hrs thanks to a lorry fire.



I think there may be some cheating going on here. Either that or he needs to get his exhaust checked!!!! 

Wacky Rally Pit Crew

 Jonesy and Mark of Team WackyRally on their way to the start line. 

Judging by the look on Jonesy's face that may not have been Mark's luggage handle he just grabbed!

Not far to go now 24km. 

All aboard….

How do you like your nuts??

Just sampling Gary's nut as we wait to board Le Shuttle…

What weather?

Bit of a delay on M25

Lorry fire caused a bit of a delay. On the move again

Sent from my Galaxy

We’re on our way!

Queuing to get on the 2.25pm Ferry to Calais, seen some nice TVR's, but no wacky rally cars… yet!
Batman and Robin

Barcelona here we come!!!!!!


Big delay on M25 - lorry fire Jct 8-9

A lille on route repair!

Organisers car needed a little tlc on arrival in LIlle......

I spy with my little eye....


Off to France

France. Here we come.


And we are off! 

We have some early starters already on their way!!

Why not let us know on here when your team is on the way. See you in Lille!

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Barmy to Barcelona 2023 - Blog is Live


You're cars are ready (ish!)

You're bags are packed (at least a spare pair of pants please!)

You have your old paper map and you will pretend you know what you are doing while plotting out your route, but of course you will still get lost!

It's almost time.

Keep everyone on the rally and all your family and friends up-to-date on what is going on by posting here. Don't forget to look out for your fellow ralliers on the roads and give them stick/help them out when required!!!!

Looking forward to seeing you all in Lille for the start!

Your time is almost up.

Hello ԁear, There is no reason to relax at all but ẏou don’t need to panic anԁ have to read mẏ message carefullẏ. It is really important...